Another update! Picture and video now!

Kinja'd!!! "Rainbow" (rainbeaux)
03/25/2016 at 11:23 • Filed to: None

Kinja'd!!!0 Kinja'd!!! 4

I replaced the faulty hose, and I’m not so sure it was even faulty in the first place. However, I did take off the IACV and it was pretty gross in there:


(Yes, I have a new gasket going on there.) This was taken after a bit of spraying with carb/choke cleaner. I’ve since sprayed it a bit more, and some black gunk was coming out of the left-side hole. (top in the picture) So the question is:

Should I spray it heavily until there’s no black stuff visible in there at all, or would that be overkill or even dangerous?

Also, is it dangerous to scrape off that residue from the old gasket or should I do that?

Finally, here’s a video of the car running before I took off the IACV. It started doing this after 4 or 5 minutes of normal, smooth idling, and at first it was extremely rough before it kind of settled where it is here.

(Don’t comment on the vertical video... The sound is what’s important here.)


Kinja'd!!! CalzoneGolem > Rainbow
03/25/2016 at 11:32


Hose it down Booji boy!

Kinja'd!!! Funktheduck > Rainbow
03/25/2016 at 11:34


Remove old gasket so new gasket sits flush and you don't have leaks

Kinja'd!!! Rainbow > Funktheduck
03/25/2016 at 11:36


I’m just worried that the pieces will fall in. I suppose that could happen just as easily if I don’t take them out, though...

Kinja'd!!! crowmolly > Rainbow
03/25/2016 at 11:37


Push a rag or something in there and use a razor blade.